Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Bed Rest Story

February 17, 2012 we found out we were pregnant again! The first pregnancy was a little tough. I was on weekly progesterone shots and partial bed rest. Tough? Ha! Little did I know that I was just about to find out how easy my first pregnancy really was.

May 9, 2012
I'm 16 weeks pregnant. We went in for our first rvical ultrasound. We are having another girl!!! We also found out my cervical length was 2cm. Normal cervical length for 16 weeks gestation is 4.0-4.5cm. I knew my history but my cervix was definately shorter at this point in the pregnancy than I was with my first. In fact, it was 1cm shorter.

May 15, 2012
I was having some pressure bellow my belly button all day. It didn't occur to me that they were contractions until around dinner time. So, into L&D I went. They tested me for a UTI which came out clean. Checked my cervix, and it was closed. The Dr sent me home and said to be sure I went in for ultrasound the next morning.

May 16, 2012
Went in for my follow up cervical length. As soon as the screen appeared it was obvious that something wasnt right. I was starting to funnel. My cervix was closed but the length was now at 16mm. The tech asked the perinatologist to come in. He saw the results and immediately scheduled me for surgery for the next morning. I was sent home and told to take it easy the rest of the day

May 17, 2012
The morning of my surgery. I was a nervous reck. It was almost time to get started when 3 Dr's entered my room. Since I had in fact been having contractions and started to funnel they wanted to check my cervix before prepping me for surgery. They found I had dilated about the width of a pencil earaser top. My surgery was cancelled and I was scheduled for an amnio later that day. I was started on antibiotics right away and meds to stop the contractions. This is when it got scary. The results would determine whether or not an infection had gotten in. If infection had made it through they would no longer be concerend with the health of the baby, the focus would be on me. It was very unnsettling news.
The amnio wasn't as bad as I had worked it up in my head. It was painful and I can honestly say I will never voluntarily ask for one. News came in late that evening that my amnio was infection free and I would have surgery the following day. Praise God! I "should" go home tomorrow and be on light bed rest. Things are looking pretty great about now.

May 18, 2012
Surgery day. I'm both nervous and ready to get the show on the road. They wheeled me into  the room. It was so bright and cold. Not a friendly place at all. You know when you watch shows like ER or Greys  Anatomy the lights are dim and the room is clear of clutter. That's only in the movies. My surgery was nothing like that. I felt bad for my anthestesologist. He was the nicest guy in the world. He was so friendly and telling me jokes, but I was in no mood for conversation or to laugh. The cerclage porcedure was pretty quick and painless. I felt alot of tugging and the wire they stitched me with looked like something fisherman use when they go deep sea fishing. Finally, it was over. The Dr said there wasn't much to work with. I had dilated 1cm and the membranes were starting to bulge. He felt very confident it was a success though! Oh, and they needed to keep me another night.
Recovery that day was awful. I had mentioned I didn't do well after an epidural with my first child. They said I was getting a spinal with the surgery and it wasnt quite as strong. They were wrong. I couldn't move for hours. Finally, after not eating for 24 hours I could order food. I was starving. So I
ordered the veggie pizza and salad. Two bites in and I was throwing it up. So they nurse told me to order jello and chicken broth. I was able to get a few sips and bites in but that came up too. Luckily my nurse was there to get me a bucket for this second round puking. When I looked in the bucket I yelled "I'm puking up blood! Oh, never mind I had red jello." I felt so dumb but nurse just laughed. I'm sure I was the talk of the floor. I had many moments like that that had the nurses laughing at my expense. She said, "It looks like you aren't eating anything tonight. We can try again in the morning." I was given morphine for my pounding head and nausea medicine to settle my stomach. I slept all night long.

May 19, 2012
I'm not going home. They want to keep me a few more days. Since I kept having contractions even while I was on the meds and had dilated even before the surgery they wanted to keep an eye on me. I understood, but I was bummed. They also said My guidelines were as follows. I am allowed up to use the bathroom, take a quick shower, change my 17 month olds diaper (no lifting), grab a quick breakfast or lunch from the kitcchen (no cooking). No more play dates. No more trips to the park. And no going to the pool. This was my first break down.
My 17 month old was at home with my husband and MIL. I had never been away from her. And although they tried, they just couldn't keep her on her normal routine and schedule. I wanted to go home. What was supposed to be an out patient surgery turned into a 5 day stay in the hospital bed. And I was told I would be able to have a life after the surgery and now instead I would be bed ridden. 
As I am writing this blog, I am already a month in on bed rest. And what I have found is that every 3-5 days you feel down. I found a community of girls on bed rest online, and it seems the same with them as well. You just get to this breaking point where you say this sucks! Life is going on around you. You will miss birthday parties, graduations, baby showers and holidays. But what you have to remember at all times is that it will be worth it. Soon you will hold that little bundle of joy in your arms and your memories (or nightmares) of bed rest will be just that - memories.

May 21, 2012
Today I go home! I had an ultrasound and my cervix looked great! It was completely closed with no funneling. It was up to 18mm. I felt awesome. During my stay in the hospital I had done research onling about caring for a toddler while on bed rest. I found an online community of girls in the same situation. I talked to my husband several times about how he would have to take on the responsabililty in the home and work. We had a plan! This would be a piece of cake........or would it.

I got home and got things in order. I got my pillows out and made my temporary home on the couch. All my daughters toys are for the most part in the living room where I can see her. We have Netflix, so there is an endless selection of movies and kid shows.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm pregnant?

When I found out I was pregnant in May of 2010 it came as quite a surprise. For the last 12 years I was told I would never be able to have children...... on my own anyways. Just goes to show you that Dr's don't know everything.

May 20, 2010
"Aunt Flo" never missed a visit. So when I got to 3 days and still no Flo I started to worry. I went to Walgreens on my lunch break and bought a pregnancy test. Nervous as crap I walked up to the cashier. As I am walking out the door she says, "I hope you get the answer you are looking for!" Really? There should be laws against saying crap like that! I have worked many places and there have been times when I could have chimed in with a smart alec comment to my customer. But I didn't. Why? Because its rude and it's just not good customer service.

Since I didn't want this lady standing outside the ladies room door waiting for the results I decided to go across the street to Arby's. I figured I could just grab a bite to eat while I was there.

Yep, folks it was in the Arby's ladies room in Carmel, Indiana that I found out I was pregnant.

So, now it's time to tell Brian. I called him while I tried to eat my Arby's Roast Beef and Cheddar. He knew something was wrong. I told him I was having a bad day and that I would like for him to get off work early.

Once we got back to the house I acted like I was folding laundry in the spare bedroom. He stood in the doorway and I mentioned that I was thinking about painting the room yellow or lavender. As he tried to say "Why? I like this color" I say "because I think it would look great for a nursery"

The look on his face was priceless. The news came as a shock but he took it well. I couldn't ask for a better man and father of child.

Just to be sure that the test wasn't wrong of course, I went and got another test. It was positive.

After news like that we did what anyone else would do. We went out for Mexican. Life as we knew it was coming to an abrupt halt. Now we had to figure out how to tell OUR PARENTS